Pay your bill online
Log in to pay and manage your account
Schedule a payment, review billing history, update payment methods, and more.
No login required
All you need is your phone number and date of birth to get started.
Ready to pay? Get started.
Only use State Farm’s® secure payment methods and never share your personal information with an unverified source.
Put paying your bills on easy mode
Enroll in AutoPay
AutoPay takes the hassle out of paying your bill.
Log in to set reminders
Sign up for email reminders to know when your insurance bill is due.
Go paperless
Make paper cuts and fumbling through stacks of paper an ancient memory with paperless billing.
Other ways to pay
By phone
Call us, 24/7, at 800-440-0998. To pay, you’ll need a credit or debit card, or your bank account info, and provide phone number and date of birth. You can also pay using the key code from your current bill.
By mail
Pay by check or money order using the return envelope included in your bill or use your own addressed to:
PO Box 588002
North Metro, GA 30029-8002
In person
Visit your State Farm agent and pay by cash, check, credit or debit card, or money order payable to State Farm.
Looking for more information?
Explore our billing & payments FAQs.